Quotes From Aging Forward

“We don’t usually think of frail older adults as active consumers. But as they become aware of more consumer choices, competition for their business is creating a huge new market. We’re already spending more than a trillion dollars a year on interventions of all sorts. The provider who produces a less expensive, less medicalized intervention to meet a particular need will get more business.”

“We don’t yet see the increase in longevity for the force it is. We may think of older adults as frail, weak, and powerless, living in an extra stage of life, but they are a growing population that by sheer mass alone tilts everyone younger into a different position in the world. The old adults of the world are an irresistible force and an immovable object.”

“We need not be afraid of our future selves. Aging can be an opening to decades of your life that you need not fear, ones that offer their own bounties to savor. Although it has its own complement of difficulties, as does every era of life, older age is an era that can be, and for most of us will be, very different from what we anticipate.”

“Our current aging care-delivery system reflects how older age has wended its way through 250 years of U.S. history, and, over the last 75 years, through the constitutional, legislative, and free-enterprise framework of the United States. How America experiences old age is at least in part a product of this unique history.”

“Digitization, the vehicle that will accelerate the changes occurring in serving America’s aging, has already seeped into many other dimensions of our lives. Those developments are now awakening us to the realization that we are not discussing some theoretical, future reality, but one in which we have already arrived.”